i-net Aichi International Association

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Library Guideline

Using library materials

Getting a library card

Borowing books

Returning books

Reserving books

Getting help


 Open: Monday-Saturday : 10:00~18:00
 Closed:Sundays、national holidays, December 29th-January 3rd
           for five days in Feburary( for rearrangement)

General Rules
  • You are responsible for all materials checked out on your card. Keep library items in good condition for the next patron. The library will notify you of charges for lost or damaged items.
  • Remember to note your due dates to ensure your items are returned on time for other members of the community to enjoy.

(Contact: Planning & Information Section, General Affairs & Planning Division)

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Aichi International Association

Sannomaru Annex Building,
Aichi Prefectural Government 1 & 2 F, 2-6-1,
Sannomaru, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 460-0001
E-mail:somu*aia.pref.aichi.jp (Please replace"*" with "@.")
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